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博士,副研究员,学科组组长。2015年获东京农工大学工学博士学位,201510月于澳洲昆士兰大学高级水管理中心交流访问半年,2016年至2017年,在东京农工大学任助教。 近三年来(2014-2017)以第一作者(或通讯作者)发表SCI论文十篇,主要从事污水生物脱氮系统相关的研究,通过人工脱氮过程模拟,现代分子生物学分析,数学模型仿真等手段深入研究污水生物脱氮过程低碳化,脱氮剩余污泥低量化等过程。留日期间分别于2014年,2017年获得了日本学术振兴会特别研究员(JSPS DC2, 外国人特别研究员(JSPS PD)及其国家级科研经费资助。目前承担中科院百人计划C类专项(2017-2019)及国家水专项太湖流域水环境管理技术集成与业务化运行项目子课题负责人(2018-2020)。






1.      Kang Song, Guo-Jun Xie, Jin Qian, Philip L. Bond, Dongbo Wang, Yiqi Liu, Qilin Wang. Improved degradation of anaerobically digested sludge during post aerobic digestion using ultrasonic pretreatment. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 3: 857864 (2017).

2.      Kang Song, Willie F. Harper, Jr., Yuki Takeuchi, Masaaki Hosomi, Akihiko Terada. Effect of biological and mass transfer parameter uncertainty on N2O emission estimates from WWTPs. Water Environment Research. 89: 580585 (2017)

3.      Qilin Wang, Jing Sun, Kang Song*, et al. Combined zero valent iron and hydrogen peroxide coditioning significantly enhances the dewaterability of anaerobic digestate. Journal of Environmental Sciences. In press. (Co-corresponding author)

4.      Hongjun xiao, Daoping Huang, Yongping Pan, Yiqi Liu, Kang Song*. Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis of Wastewater Processes with Incomplete Data by the Auto-associative Neural Networks and ARMA Model. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 161: 96107 (2017). (Co-corresponding author)

5.      Kang Song, Xu Zhou, Yiqi Liu, Guo-Jun Xie, Dongbo Wang, Tingting Zhang, Chunshuang Liu, Peng Liu, Beibei Zhou, Qilin Wang. Improving dewaterability of anaerobically digested sludge by combined conditioning with persulfate and zero-valent iron. Chemical Engineering Journal. 295: 436–442 (2016)

6.      Kang Song, Xu Zhou, Yiqi Liu, Yanyan Gong, Beibei Zhou, Dongbo Wang, Qilin Wang. Role of oxidants in enhancing dewaterability of anaerobically digested sludge through Fe(II) activated oxidation processes: hydrogen peroxide versus persulfate. Scientific Reports. 6: 24800 (2016)

7.      Kang Song, Toshikazu Suenaga, Willie F. Harper Jr., Tomoyuki Hori, Shohei Riya, Masaaki Hosomi, Akihiko Terada, Effects of aeration and internal recycle flow on nitrous oxide emissions from a Modified Ludzak–Ettinger process fed with glycerol. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22: 19562–19570 (2015)

8.      Kang Song, Willie F. Harper Jr., Tomoyuki Hori, Shohei Riya, Masaaki Hosomi, Akihiko Terada, Impact of carbon sources on nitrous oxide emission and microbial community structure in an anoxic/oxic activated sludge system. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 17: 2375–2385 (2015)

9.      Kang Song, Shohei Riya, Masaaki Hosomi, Akihiko Terada, Effect of carbon sources on nitrous oxide emission in a Modified Ludzak Ettinger process. Water Science and Technology. 72: 572-578 (2015)

10.   Kang Song, Toshikazu Suenaga, Aki Hamamoto, Kouichi Satou, Shohei Riya, Masaaki Hosomi, Akihiko Terada. Abundance, transcription levels and phylogeny of bacteria capable of nitrous oxide reduction in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 118: 289–297 (2014)

11.   Zhiyou Fu, Fengchang Wu, Kang Song, Ying Lin, Yingchen Bai, Yuanrong Zhu, John P Giesy. Competitive interaction between soil-derived humic acid and phosphate on goethite. Applied Geochemistry. 36: 125-131 (2013)

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